Saturday 29 June 2024

The Amputation Equation


"Something just ocurred to me."

"OK," I said. "Hit me."

"There's only a third of normal bloodflow getting to the toe right now," said d. "That's why the ulcer's stone dead."


"So...if they have to amputate the's it gonna heal? Without the bloodflow, I mean?"

I swallowed.

"I...think that's why we're doing this, darling."

I'm not of course sure about any of this - d has an appointment with a vascular surgeon on Wednesday, at which we hope to learn more. But I'm a middle-aged white guy, so never let it be said I let my speculation stand as less than gospel truth.

"I figure that's the race. If it starts, I sort of assume they have to head off the enblackening at the last point they think they have viable bloodflow for the recovery process," I theorized, irresponsibly. "Hence the regular monitoring appointments?"

"Ah,"she said.


Turned the TV to a B-movie about dark asteroids crashing into the Earth.

I'm assuming that was either just a random stab in the dark - oddly enough, we'd previously landed on "Signs of the Coming of Armageddon," and had just got up to the part where the big fuck-off asteroid named Wormwood crashes into the Earth, so there's kind of a theme to the evening - or a deliberate choice of mental channel-change, along the lines that "Things Could Be A Whole Lot Worse."

Anyway, did a small bit of walking today. Didn't feel enough, in some senses, but also felt like exactly as much as I could safely do, so bugger it, that's what was done. 

Looking forward to more information on d's condition and options on Wednesday.  After that, probably a good idea to make potentially joint appointments at the local doctors ("Place your bets - it's telephonic roulette!") to see what's what with both of us, and investigate blood sugar monitoring kit.



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