Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Ready For This?

So - after three weeks away, some walking, some twisting of ankles, some breaking of toes, some slightly foolish early re-commencement of jumping back on a bike, some chastened, slightly wiser jumping off again and sitting down, the scores are as follows today:
17 stone 4.75.

Yep, that's right - a quarter-pound. But - check out the mature positivity on this guy - this is fine, this is good, this is moving in the right direction, and for reasons that have nothing whatsoever to do with mathematics or logic, 4.75 pounds seems somehow more achievable than five pounds. Madness, I realise, but positive madness, so leave me be.

So here we are - verrrrry freakin' nearly five pounds away from the 3.5 stone barrier, spurred on by them as are already 4 or 4.5 stone down, knackered toe for a while, whaddawe do? I reckon it's actually time to start doing that nonsense I keep talking about - there's no other bugger in my office at the moment, so this is me, taking half a lunchtime to do sit-ups and other assorted shite. My pal Mae sent me exercises you can do while barely moving a good long while ago, might be time to crack that puppy open and actually read it. Hell, if I could afford a big round medicine ball right now, I'd schlepp one of those in and start doing this pilates malarkey round the office (which would be interestingly bizarre, since half my office is taken up by a library of dusty shit no-one had ever looked at in the history of the world). Kind of an odd image anyway, if I'm honest, Orca the Whale-Boy rolling round on the floor, entirely at the mercy of a medicine ball. I'd look like one of those annoying little neon ferret toys you can buy on the street, that seem to move independently, chasing a big ball bearing or somesuch thing...only probably less controlled and graceful.

Right...sit-ups then...
Although maybe I should take it slow. maybe I should try some sit-downs first...y'know, just to make sure I've got that part really well and truly sorted out...
Yeah, that seems like a plan. This is me...sitting down.

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