Back down the Trail this morning, after yesterday's arsebunclery. Enjoyed it, and kept promising myself all day that today, I'd break my no-biking streak and get on the thing.
So, in a very real way, arse.
Did a bad thing this morning too - got on the Nazi Scales. They were inexplicably kind to me. Not gonna tell you what they said, because a) I think they were being inexplicably kind, which they probably won't be on Tuesday, and b) cos I don't wanna, in case I jinx it!
Tomorrow - and read my freakin' lips here - tomorrow, dammit, there will be biking!
Yesterday, I mused to d that maybe I should only do spin class on a Friday. Tomorrow's Friday. Gotta tell you, I have zero intention right now of going to spin class tomorrow, cos all it leads to is a weekend of me whinging about the pain in my ass - and this being a long weekend, that's good for no-one.
But will do the Trail, and WILL do some proper biking - possibly immediately when I get back, just to make sure I get it out of the way!
And then, just possibly, will get back on the scales to see if today really was just an inexplicable aberration...or...y'know...not...
In the meantime, more deadlines, and on we jolly well go...
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