Tuesday, 26 April 2016

The First Re-Step

So – today’s the first weigh-in day since I re-started.

 Last week: 19st 7.25.
Today: 19st 3.5. Down 3.75 lbs.

Is it a massive, life-altering, world-rocking difference? No – but then it hasn’t been a massive, life-altering, world-rocking week either. Perhaps perversely, I can now reveal that this was the figure I saw after the first two days – the days of active, long walking. The rest of the week has been altogether less dedicatedly Disappearing – hell, the last three days have been mostly spent in a Starbucks, meeting deadlines and cursing about the deadlines I still have to meet. I’ve been reasonably good as far as eating’s concerned, but if I’m honest this has been two days of kickass Disappearing and five days of more-or-less-maintenance. 

So am I happy with a loss of nearly, but not quite four pounds? Well, of course I am, it’s nearly, but not quite two scheduled weeks’ worth of loss, although I’m aware it’s what’s known as ‘first-fortnight water’ – when you begin any change of life regime, the first thing to go is all the excess water you store, rather than actual fat. (Oh, and a fortnight, for the Americans, means two weeks. I was surprised to learn you didn’t have that word. Or penultimate? Last-but-one).

So yes – quite happy enough with 3.75 lbs.  If nothing else, it feels a lot more borderline-friendly than 19st 7.25 did. Hey, if I lose the same again in the week that’s coming, I’ll see an 18 by the next weigh-in. That’s a pretty damn fine incentive to do more walking and more biking and keep up the reasonable diet (again, it should be noted I’m using the word ‘reasonable’ here in a way of which no nutritionist would approve – three days more or less subsisting on decaffs is not to be recommended to anyone).

Hoping to walk more tomorrow. If I’d walked today, the perversity we’ve known as weather would have kicked me right in the face with the April Hailstones of Fuck-You. There is of course something to be said for just embracing that, and I probably would have, if I hadn’t dressed this morning for the bright blue skies and fairly strong sun that lured me out of doors this morning. There’s determination, and then there’s just damned stupidity.


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