Wednesday, 25 March 2015

A Nightmare On Disappearing Street

A surprising week - weighed in yesterday, to be told I was 19st 0.75 - which is a loss, at least. Have been able to get back on the exercise bike all of once this week - for all of 20 minutes, burning just 200 calories. Am under orders from d to go back to basics and take it easy.


Meanwhile, have been persuaded to pu this down in a more structured form than I have done so far.

I'm having nightmares.
When they put me on these betablockers, they mentioned the exhaustion - which I'm also getting periodically - and they mentioned the dread consequences of simply stopping taking them. They didn't mention the demented nightmares.

I had three main ones within the first week and a half of starting on them, and then one Monday night of this week. Only this last one was accompanied by what felt at least like massively rapid heartbeat and a throbbing head.

Buggered if I know what that's about, though my friend Tig did mention a friend of hers who'd also taken them. She said that there was something chemical to do with the adrenaline levels in the body, which sometimes stimulated the brain into vivid nightmares.

S'funny, really, the weird combinations of things that have been in these nightmares - a couple of them have made reasonably decent short stories, so far! Well, one short, and one that might well be a longer story if I can only bloody write the thing.

Anyhow, this is where you find me today - pondering a 'symptom diary' of the pills, hoping not to have any more nightmares, and also hopeful of getting back on the bike with a greater regularity soon. And also, one pound away from seeing a bloomin' 18!

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